The Blitzkrieg Standby List

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The Blitzkrieg Standby List

Post by -Muffin- » Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:08 am

If you are ever online and interested in a 10+ player Blitz game, let me know and I will add you to the standby list on my quote (if I am online). Even if you don't think this will work, do it anyway. Every name added to the list increases the chances that another skeptic will add their name.

This cuts out the need to play boring 1v1s in order to get games going.

Anyone can run the standby list if they're cool with sitting AFK in Blitz and watching the chat bar.

Please ask for your name to be removed if you are logging off.

This can be a very effective way to get some good games going, if people are willing to try it out and not just dismiss it as a hopeless plan.

I will try to be on Blitz every Thursday night, and at other random times as befits my schedule, so check in if you are interested. And ask if anyone is running the Standby list.

I have also begun a Blitz chat on the smart phone App "Kik". Create an account and send a message to MuffinSGE to be added to the Blitz group chat. This way you can get alerts when there is a big blitz game whether you are at your computer or not, without having to give out your phone number. I've utilized this method on other games before. It's very effective.

Blitz doesn't have to suck. We just have to adjust to the smaller player base, and maybe we can get it to grow if we can get the few left over to get together at the right times.


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